New England, Old Sound Adam Kaminski June 24, 2014Last week I had the opportunity to speak with “power-melodic-orchestrated-song-oriented rock” group New England. Popular in the late ‘70s and...
We’ve Been Nominated for the Boston A-List Knar Bedian June 17, 2014We’re pleased to announce that we’ve been nominated for a Boston A-List award! This marks yet another milestone for our blooming...
No Longer Happy Alone: Saintseneca Joseph Leone June 14, 2014In the chorus of his most successful song to date, Zac Little, front man of Ohio indie-folk outfit Saintseneca, professes...
Video: “Stay the Sun” by The Western Den Zoë Atlas June 11, 2014Local act The Western Den has released a new music video, recorded at Berklee College of Music. “Stay the Sun”...
Weekly Wrap-Up: 6/10/14 Joycelyn Chen June 10, 2014The beginning of June was a time of exciting new releases from local bands: Boston’s very own indie rock band Rich People...
Looping Violins and Loopy Smiles: Kishi Bashi Adam Kaminski June 10, 2014As opener Buried Beds finished their tastefully melodic and fun(ny) set, co-frontman Brendan Beaver gave headliner Kishi Bashi a deserved...
Local Spotlight: Kal Marks Amy Smith June 9, 2014 It was pouring rain as I walked through Brighton trying to find the warehouse that holds the small room...
Selected Sounds: 5 Shows You Can’t Miss This June Jenna Buckle June 8, 2014There are a lot of things that make for a perfect summer, but live music is definitely at the top of...
A New Scene: Yann Tiersen Adam Kaminski June 4, 2014Yann Tiersen fanatics buzzed as a single techie tested and retested, tuned and retuned, the plethora of instruments on stage....
Weekly Wrap-Up: 6/2/14 Joycelyn Chen June 2, 2014These past two weekends have been very exciting for local acts. Boston bands Karmin, Aer, and Timeflies performed alongside big...