Weekly Wrap-Up: 2/15/2015 Billy February 17, 2015Valentine’s Day has come and gone again, and there’s nothing quite like filling the gaping hole in your chest with...
Song Premiere: “Jesse Winters” by Workman Song Billy February 16, 2015omewhere in between experimental composer and folkie singer/songwriter is Workman Song’s Sean McMahon. Perhaps it’s best to just call him...
Selected Sounds: 6 Local Concerts Picked By Our Staff Matt McCarthy February 16, 2015The unrelenting weather might be slowing the T to a pathetic crawl, but the Boston music scene stops for nothing,...
A Damn Good Night: Western Den, Damn Tall Buildings, and Nemes Adam Kaminski February 13, 2015The Red Room @ Cafe 939 is no place for spectacle. It is a place of intimacy and easygoing virtuosity;...
Good Vibrations: Goo Goo Dolls & Shaggy Beth Hutchings February 12, 2015Yes, you read that correctly. At first glance, the rock-reggae fusion of the Goo Goo Dolls and Shaggy might seem at...
Back With a Bang: Asaf Avidan Thanasi Kastritis February 12, 2015With a lush combination of musical flair and charming personality, Asaf Avidan enchanted a Boston crowd for the second time in under a...
Interview: Aesop Rock Jon Simmons February 10, 2015apper Aesop Rock (Ian Bavitz) knows words. Since the mid-90’s he has shaped his signature style, cramming verses full of words like...
The Rare Occasions release their newest music video “Halfheartedly” Nitesh Gupta February 10, 2015ith Valentines Day (or Single’s Awareness Day, as some affectionately call it) around the corner, The Rare Occasions are releasing a...
Neighborhood Sessions: Anjimile Becca Chairin February 9, 2015When the snowy weather’s getting you down, there’s nothing like a warm song to brighten your day. You’re in luck:...
Weekly Wrap-Up: 2/8/2015 Billy February 9, 2015And we’re back! Here to give you the scoop on all things Boston music is this week’s Weekly Wrap-Up. ...