Kaleidoscope: Berklee’s Open-Genre Battle of the Bands Jon Simmons March 16, 2015Where will you find a boy band, a rapper, and a Scandinavian jazz-folk group performing on the same stage? At...
Fantasy Taking Over: Magic Man Beth Hutchings March 12, 2015“Boston….WE’RE HOME!” Screams of joy greeted Magic Man‘s pronouncement; everyone’s eyes at Royale were locked on lead singer Alex Caplow as...
Album Review: Krill – A Distant Fist Unclenching Noah Habeeb March 11, 2015 Krill is a music writer’s dream. They have their own theme song (“Krill, krill, krill forever / Krill, krill,...
Confetti Cannon Funk: Gang of Thieves, Viva La Hop, Ripe Jon Simmons March 9, 2015 riptide of funk welled between the walls of Brighton Music Hall. Three bands took to the stage on Thursday night—Gang of...
Everybody Wang Chung Tonight! The Takeover Jon Simmons March 2, 2015he Foundation Room, an exclusive upstairs lounge lair at House of Blues, seems more fit for visiting foreign delegates than music-...
Album Review: Alexei Martov LP Anastasia Antonova February 25, 2015With all the legends that have paved the way in the world of rock ‘n’ roll, it’s hard to create an...
After Hours Study Break: Airacuda Matt McCarthy February 23, 2015Northeastern’s faux nightclub afterHOURS is tucked away in the corner of a dining hall. Its neon green glass doors were...
A Berklee Buffet: Heavy Rotation Records’ Album Release Show Jon Simmons February 20, 2015On Wednesday night Berklee College of Music’s Heavy Rotation Records celebrated the release of Dorm Sessions 10 at the Berklee Performance Center. A...
Leedz Edutainment: Meet Ned Wellbery, Boston’s Hip-Hop CEO Jon Simmons February 18, 2015When Ned Wellbery started Leedz Edutainment—his hip-hop promotions company—in 2004, he sold cellphones and handed out flyers on the side...
Song Premiere: “Jesse Winters” by Workman Song Billy February 16, 2015omewhere in between experimental composer and folkie singer/songwriter is Workman Song’s Sean McMahon. Perhaps it’s best to just call him...