Local Spotlight: The Addition Alexis den Boggende May 23, 2020With their refreshing bite and ambition, the bold Boston rockers are taking grunge to new heights. n a windy, warm...
Premiere: “Chapstick and Change” by Jake Swamp and the Pine Mario Esquivel May 15, 2020On their newest single, Jake Swamp and the Pine offer a return to traditional folk music heavily based on their...
Listen Local Mix: 11 Alex Girard May 14, 2020It can be difficult to keep up with all the new music being released. Even the most avid music listeners...
Premiere: Since My Baby Said Goodbye by Mallika Vie Knar Bedian May 8, 2020Local soul singer-songwriter Mallika Vie turns back the clock with a two-song soul EP that pulls inspiration from the likes...
Listen Local: 5 Hip Hop Tracks You Need To Hear Jared Steinberg April 28, 2020Boston’s hip-hop scene has been steadily on the rise as producers and lyricists continue to drop bars and beats that...
Album Review: Higher Frequencies by LawJQ Kristen Sallaberry April 17, 2020In his debut album, Higher Frequencies, LawJQ delivers a powerful retelling of the injustices he battled to find warmth in...
EP Review: I’m Up, Vol 1. by Swooli Kristen Sallaberry April 2, 2020Haitian-born, Boston-based rapper Swooli was raised on a diversified range of music, birthing an artist that would never let anyone...
I Turn the Music Up: Ceskie Rijks Alexis den Boggende April 2, 2020Dusk fell as the night howled with unabashed Bostonian winter winds; the W was brimming with music enthusiasts with rosés...
Listen Local: 5 Hip Hop Tracks To Listen To At Home Jared Steinberg March 31, 2020oston’s hip-hop scene has been steadily on the rise, as producers and lyricists continue to drop bars and beats that...
Album Review: Written In My Head, From My Bedroom by The China Blue Sarah Wrean March 18, 2020A self-described “DIY compulsion”, Written In My Head from My Bedroom weaves catchy melodies in and out of layered sound...