Alisa Amador’s Timing music video is a joyous celebration of love and support from close friends, often the only thing that can lighten a heavy heart in times of frustration.
Some of Alisa Amador’s goals for her “Timing” music video included being “reassuring,” “friendly,” and “joyful,” and indeed the video beams with all three. The song, “Timing,” is a love story that explores the fact that love can be overwhelming; its early stages can be a little bit scary. It touches on how much fun it can be when love takes you by surprise, but ultimately the timing just isn’t right for the characters in the song. Perhaps they need to move at a slower pace, or just try again another time. It’s a great story, but Alisa explains, “I didn’t want the video to reenact the love story of the song. I wanted the focus of the video to be on self-love and friendship.”
The video’s focus on friendship comes from a unique and engaging angle. It emphasizes the importance of telling stories, like the one in this song, to our friends, rather than keeping them bottled up inside. Alisa elaborates: “You know that feeling when you’re just so frustrated about a relationship… but the feeling of venting to a friend about it is actually kind of joyful?” We’ve all been there. And of course, most of the time, what you need most is to just get it all off your chest.
Although the lyrics tell a sad story, the music and the video are equally upbeat and cheerful. Alisa is surrounded by friends and family as she dances in the sunshine. She made sure to include her twin brother, aunt, bandmates, and “several cherished friends of all ages” dancing alongside her as she sings, “I knew that the timing wasn’t the right one, what a shame. But I’m getting tired of being right, why am I right again?” Her surrounding group of loved ones all support her, performing the same choreography, which is perhaps a metaphor for their understanding and relating to her struggles with love. She is exploring the importance of “venting” about her frustrations, as she puts it, and the relief that comes from friends who can sympathize.

Around two thirds of the way through the video, on the last chorus, Alisa and her family and friends change costumes and give us a breath of fresh air. Swirling out, we have shimmering dresses, sparkles, and other celebratory wardrobe choices. We can see and feel the healing that has taken place, thanks to the support of those that are held dear. Alisa explains, “…what we’re celebrating is that we have ourselves and each other.” And we, the audience, really do feel the healing as well. The whole time, as Alisa sings into the camera, it is as if “the person watching is the friend [she’s] venting to.” So we are part of the process, and we get to celebrate in the end, too. Alisa shows us that having friends to help us through our frustrating moments is truly priceless; and that we’ll always have that to be thankful for and to celebrate.