Louis Roe

Boston Calling Preview Interview: Grey Season

“This is the first time we’ve all hung out together in a while,” admits Jon, lead singer of folky five-piece Grey Season. It had been over a year since we sat down for an official interview with the band, who were now sprawled out on the oversized L-shaped couch in my living room as we chatted about their upcoming Boston Calling performance.

Before we start there’s the cracks of beer cans opening, and a tinkle of keys as Ian whips out his bottle opener. First things first: finding out if they guys will be asking Father John Misty to come onstage to join them for their cover of his song.


Gooch: We can’t play “I’m Writing A Novel,” he’s going to play it. We can’t double up like that…

Ian: I think that would steal the festival. Father John Misty playing with the local Boston band… it would take the headlines.

Matt: He doesn’t seem like he would do that.

Gooch: What would we even do? He comes on stage and sings the song and we sing the harmony?

Jon: I’ll be in the back. I’ll be like, “Ahh, my boys, I’m so proud.”

Knar: It might be embarrassing if you called him up and he didn’t come…

Ian: Well then again, everyone would be like that’s just him.


Ben: I was really excited about The Staves but they dropped out… I’m excited for Fidlar and Father John Misty.

Ian: Sturgil Simpson.

Matt: Friday night’s going to be awesome.

Gooch: Alabama Shakes, Avetts would’ve been fun.


Jon: No pressure but this is what we’re going to identify as, these five words.

Ben: Hm… It’s wooden.

Gooch: Saucy.

Jon: Varnished.

Ian: Stapled.

Matt: …

Gooch: Mush! Gelatin!

Ian: Don’t put words in his mouth!

Gooch: I’m putting Jello into his mouth!

Matt: Classic.

Wait, let me refrain that. We’ve got… wooden, saucy, varnished, stapled classic.

Ian: Aw, with the classic at the end it sounds like a sandwich!

Jon: What would the Grey season Sandwich be…?


They all sit and think about it for a second, listening to the clip clip clip of the fan as the AC unit struggles to keep the room cool. Ben twirls the ends of his mustache, which is grown out to be on its way to Rollie Fingers handlebar status.

Ben: Oh, pumpernickle bread!

Jon: Pumpernickle bread, and toasted.

Gooch: Absolutely.

Ben: With sauerkraut.

Matt: No, each of us get one.

Jon: We get one ingredient, alright, alright.

Ben: Can pumpernickel be the base so no one has that?

Knar: I’ll give you that.

Ben: Goat cheese.

Knar: Aw yes. Is it flavored goat cheese?

Ben: Herbed.

Gooch: Salami.

Jon: I want a balsamic reduction in there

Ian: Thousand Island dressing, the secret sauce.

Matt: Alright I was going to go pesto basil…


Knar: This is the messiest sandwich ever!

Gooch: Yeah, we’re big on flavors.

Matt: Alright you said salami, I’ll say prosciutto.

Herbed goat cheese, salami, balsamic reduction, thousand island dressing, prosciutto on toasted pumpernickel bread.


Knar: Where would you say is your favorite place to play here?

Ben: It’s a sandbox in an apartment in Brookline?

Jon: I bring my trucks, make little tracks

Ian: A bucket of water, and one of those things to make little castles.

Matt: You were one of those people who didn’t build your own sand castles!

Gooch (interrupting): As far as venues go, one place we had a really good time playing, even though it was only twice, is the ICA. It’s outside, nice long set, everybody’s like mega into it, it’s by the water.

Matt: Yeah that’s a great environment, it’s lax but at the same time it sounds great, there are a lot of people so you have energy.


Jon: Selling out. I’m going to start writing some music for Kia, like the car commercials.

Gooch: Continuing to refine new material, get more new material…

Knar: Do you guys have a dream music festival? I remember The Ballroom Thieves were saying how their dream was to play Newport Folk Festival but now that they’ve done that…

Gooch: I’ve kind of done the dream thing already. Been there, done that.

Jon: For me we did that early on. Recording at Levon Helm? I didn’t even know that was a dream I could have…

Gooch: Let’s say Allston City Limits.

Everyone: Allston? 

Jon: We’re headlining Allston City Limits! (Laughter)

Gooch: Allston and you know, the lesser but also there, Austin City Limits.

With SXSW and Bonnaroo already under their belt, Grey Season will be performing their third major festival this Saturday, September 26th, at Boston Calling. Catch them at the Red Stage at 1 PM!Â