A Love Affair with 11 People: Typhoon Scotland Huber April 2, 2014This eleven-piece band has won the hearts of Boston. Conversely, Boston has won the hearts of Typhoon. Their first show...
The Avett Brothers Bring Roots Music to the City Nitesh Gupta April 1, 2014or almost a decade, The Avett Brothers have been riding the wave of a somewhat recent folk roots revival. And...
Right on the Ledge: Noah Gundersen Jonah Ollman March 31, 2014t’s not every day that you go to a concert where the performer leaves the show before you do. But...
The Angel of Cambridge: Sam Smith Jonah Ollman March 28, 2014‘ve been to far too many concerts. In fact, due to the number of shows I attend, a large number...
The Orwells: Modern Rock Stars Amy Smith March 27, 2014When anyone throws out the term “rock star,” my mind immediately goes to old school rock stars— Mick Jagger, Jim...
Bubbles & Glowing Balls: Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. Scotland Huber March 26, 2014Who uses a bubble machine only 4 songs into their set!? Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. do. Jr. Jr. is one...
The Dapper Rapper: G-Eazy Camila Zagarzazu March 26, 2014“I’m young Gerald. Some of you might know me better as G-Eazy,” announced Gerald Earl Gillum, known by most as...
Transcending Genres: White Denim Josie Snider March 20, 2014 discovered White Denim a few years ago in a Spotify playlist of Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy’s favorite songs. Given my...
Beating the Chill: Mike Hastings Band Zoë Atlas March 17, 2014he cold rain that pounded the streets of Cambridge on Wednesday evening was a cruel contrast to the warm weather...
Blues is the Coolest Color: ZZ Ward Plays the Paradise Becca Chairin March 15, 2014Once there was a young girl who had a love for the blues. Her father would sneak her into blues...