Premiere: Wishful Thinking by The Gravel Project Colin Kirkland November 17, 2017The Gravel Project’s new record, Wishful Thinking, supersedes the jam-band persona by melding gritty guitar riffs and improvisational jazz methods....
Premiere: VOWS by Kaiti Jones Anna Marketti November 14, 2017In the four years since her debut EP, Growing Things, came out, Kaiti Jones has been refining her sound—where Growing...
Premiere: “Macey Park” and “Wide Awake” by Mnemonist Alex Adamczyk October 31, 2017n their latest tracks “Macey Park,” and “Wide Awake,” Mnemonist, a local Boston trio, pushes the strict categorization of its...
Premiere: “Catacombs” by Honeysuckle Knar Bedian September 22, 2017y now, most of our readers are familiar with Holly McGarry, Chris Bloniarz, and Benjamin Burns, the local artists who...
Premiere: Diptych by split/halves Anna Marketti September 6, 2017wo’s the lucky number for split/haves—from their name to the title of their newest release, and the number of songs...
Premiere: “Make Me A Statue” by Yohannes Knar Bedian August 30, 2017iven recent current events, statues are more top of mind than usual. And though local indie rockers Yohannes wrote “Make...
Premiere: Soft Touch Amphitheater by Big Big Buildings Alex Adamczyk August 23, 2017dam McElreath is “bored to tears by live electronic music.” Perhaps that’s why the man behind Big Big Buildings will transform the...
Premiere: “Miwabe” by VQnC Anna Marketti August 22, 2017“Miwabe” means “happy” in Swahili and is embodied as such in the eponymous new song by Dr. Fidelity’s Tory Corless...
Local Spotlight: Dang Clēts Jenna Buckle July 19, 2017ou know the kind of friendship where you love all of the same stuff, do everything together, and can’t help...
Album Premiere: Glory the Night by Atlas Lab Jon Simmons July 10, 2017The refrain of “Glory Be” from Atlas Lab’s new album, Glory the Night, goes, “Glory be the fast food / glory be...