Premiere: “Chapstick and Change” by Jake Swamp and the Pine Mario Esquivel May 15, 2020On their newest single, Jake Swamp and the Pine offer a return to traditional folk music heavily based on their...
Premiere: Chemical Drippers by The Hats Mario Esquivel September 17, 2019After a massively destructive apartment fire, a rebranded The Hats releases their first LP in over five years. Patrik Gochez...
Album Review: You Freed Me by Morningbird Mario Esquivel April 5, 2019Beautifully harmonized vocals and soft, deliberate instrumentation complement the emotionally charged lyrics of local indie rock band Morningbird. A loud...
Album Review: Whatever Before the Storm by Daeves Mario Esquivel February 13, 2019Daeves creates a pleasant sense of warmth through chill, lo-fi tones. If there is any better place to successfully hit...
Album Review: The Drunk Monkeys by The Drunk Monkeys Mario Esquivel October 29, 2018The Drunk Monkeys take a journey through self awareness and personal growth in their self-titled debut. On the cover of...
Album Review: Shake Me Up by Jill McCracken Mario Esquivel October 23, 2018Honest explorations of love, heartbreak, and self discovery hide behind Jill McCracken’s catchy Motown-inspired pop tunes. Soul drips from Jill...