Cosmopolitan, Groovy, and Infectious: Alune Wade Jeff Williams February 6, 2023Innovative artist Alune Wade delivered an impressive show of expert musicianship to an enthusiastic crowd of jazz-lovers. Alune Wade received...
A Stunning Songwriting Showcase: The Murlocs Jeff Williams December 16, 2022The Murlocs played to a packed house at the Sinclair on November 10th with expertly-crafted songs, garage guitar and bass...
Searchin’ For That Sound: Acid Dad Jeff Williams November 14, 2022Acid Dad impressed a Sinclair crowd with their range, electric energy, and creativity. The chorus of the second song of...
Album Review: How It Began by Cordelia Jeff Williams November 2, 2022Indie-folk band Cordelia shows their depth, both emotionally and musically, on their debut album. How it Began—the debut album from...